Dave Byrnes' Adventures

Via Alpina - 2012
Overview     Planned Schedule     Map     Diary     Pictures
Day: 037

Monday, 18 June 2012





Daily Kilometres:


Total Kilometres:



Sunny, hot and humid


Hotel Einhorn, Bludenz


Egg salad roll and pastry for breakfast; two filled rolls for lunch; muesli bars and chocolate for dinner



Pictures: Here
GPS Track: Here

I left the hotel and walked the short distance to the railway station where I bought a coffee and egg salad roll for breakfast which I ate on a bench in the station watching the commuters and international trains.

From the station, I walked back through the old mediaeval town and was impressed by the number of low-ceilinged passageways and arched porticos surrounding the town plazas.  It would have been easy to spend more time looking around, although it was obviously a big tourist destination and there were many up-market shops.

The route out of town was upstream through a narrow gorge occupied by a swiftly flowing river, a walking track and a suspended freeway, later joined by a rail line.  It all felt a bit neglected and industrial and the first hour was pretty uninspirational walking.  Gradually the trail left the transport corridor and followed farm roads and back roads through pretty undulating rural countryside along the lower sides of the river valley.  In the distance were the usual snow-covered peaks, but they looked a little incongruous on a blazing hot sunny and humid day.  It was strange, but I was immediately taken back to the 3H days (hot, humid and hazy) of the Appalachian Trail, 26 years ago.  My subconscious physical memory of those hot sweaty days with a pack was quickly evoked.

Sadly, much of the walking was across open fields and I looked forward to the little bits of forest which provided some respite. There were lots of people out cutting, raking and loading hay, so I couldn't complain (much).  This was pretty much the pattern for the rest of the day as I slowly climbed the valley, passing through the occasional village or forest, to a region called a Biosphere Park (a UNESCO designation) which presumably seeks to protect an already settled area of international importance.

I didn't push the pace too much though tried not to take too many breaks and felt I was dealing with the heat fairly well.  I was carrying some soft drink and supplemented that with plenty of water from the springs which seem to be a feature of every village and hamlet.

There weren't many accommodation options along the way and I finally decided around 5pm, in the village of Blons, to catch a bus to a small town, Thuringen, down in the valley, where I was confident there would be some gasthofs.  Sadly, this didn't prove to be the case, and despite walking about 5km around two loosely connected towns found about five gasthofs either not yet open for the season, or not providing rooms (just a restaurant).  cutting a long story short, I finally caught a bus at 7pm to another much larger town called Bludenz where the story now was that everything was full.  I began contemplating sleeping rough somewhere, but I was so salt-encrusted and smelly after the hot day, that had little appeal.  I decided to walk back along the bus route to see if I could see anything else and finally found a hotel with a very reasonably-priced room next to a supermarket.  Sadly, the supermarket had just closed and the hotel didn't serve evening meals, so I survived on my emergency rations.  It was a tiring end to a tiring day, but I did enjoy that shower.

As night fell, thunder and lightning was audible and visible on the surrounding peaks, but another hot day is forecast for tomorrow.



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